
Set The Stage For Romance

Set the stage for romance.
Early in the day, send a note, text or email to your husband or wife. Allude to a night of special romance. Not too many details, just enough to make their heart beat just a bit faster.

When the time comes, light many candles of all sizes. Lower the lights and play soft music. Make a trail of rose petals to invite them in to delight.

Ask your spouse to relax while you go prepare.
Let them wait in anticipation while you change into something more comfortable and sexy and return with a luxurious massage oil or lotion.

Next, ask them to lie down and them give them a relaxing sensuous massage. Enjoy the process.
Setting the stage and anticipation are very sexy and sure to kindle a spark!

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Spark This Marriage - - christian lingerie for married couples
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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous09:14

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